Deleting a horizontal line in Microsoft Word can sometimes feel like an impossible task, especially when it seems unresponsive to typical delete actions. This guide covers essential methods to successfully remove an unwanted horizontal line from your document, ensuring your formatting remains clean and professional. You’ll learn practical steps to tackle this issue using various approaches, helping you maintain control over your document layout with ease.

Step 1: Understanding the Origin of the Horizontal Line

Before attempting to delete the horizontal line, it is important to determine its cause. Horizontal lines in Word can appear due to various reasons, such as an automatic formatting feature or a shape. By understanding how the line was created, you can choose the most effective removal method. If the line appears after typing three dashes (`—`) and pressing Enter, it is a result of the auto-formatting feature. Alternatively, if it is a drawn shape, you will need a different approach.

Step 2: Removing the Auto-Formatted Horizontal Line

If the line was created using the auto-formatting feature, follow these steps to remove it:
– Place your cursor directly above the line.
– Press the Backspace key. This should effectively remove the line created by the auto-format feature. If this does not work, you may also try pressing Undo by using Ctrl + Z immediately after the line appears.

Step 3: Deleting a Shape-Based Horizontal Line

If the line is a shape, which can happen if you were drawing or inserting a line from the menu, do the following:
– Click on the line to select it. Once selected, resize handles will appear at either end.
– Press the Delete key on your keyboard. This action will remove the shape from your document. If you struggle to select the line, zooming in may help, or using the Selection Pane under the Home tab can allow easier selection of shapes.

Step 4: Utilizing Clear Formatting

For additional stubborn lines that don’t disappear, consider clearing the formatting of the paragraph containing the line.
– Highlight the entire paragraph that includes the horizontal line.
– Navigate to the Home tab and select the Clear All Formatting button (it looks like an eraser). This can sometimes help in eliminating embedded formatting that includes horizontal lines.

Step 5: Adjusting the Borders and Shading

If the line persists, it could be that it is a border set within your paragraph settings. Here’s how to remove it:
– Click anywhere in the paragraph with the line.
– Go to the Home tab, click on the Borders drop-down menu (next to the Shading button), and select No Border. This action will remove any borders that may present themselves as a horizontal line.

Extra Tips & Common Issues

Remember that accidentally creating a horizontal line can be avoided by recognizing the auto-format feature at the moment of typing. If clearing formatting or border adjustments are necessary, constantly preview your document to ensure the desired formatting is intact. If you’re still experiencing issues, check for updates in Microsoft Word as bugs leading to these nuisance lines can sometimes be resolved with software updates.


Removing a horizontal line in Microsoft Word doesn’t have to be a hassle. By understanding the source of the line—whether auto-formatting or an inserted shape—you can approach the solution effectively. Employing these methods will help you maintain a clean and polished document. Should you encounter related formatting challenges in the future, these principles can serve you well in ensuring your Word documents remain professional.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does a horizontal line appear in my Word document?

A horizontal line often appears due to the auto-format feature activated by typing three hyphens and pressing Enter, or it may have been inserted as a shape. Understanding how it was created will help you identify the correct removal method.

Can I prevent horizontal lines from appearing in the future?

You can prevent automatic lines by disabling auto-correct options. Navigate to File > Options > Proofing > AutoCorrect Options and uncheck the relevant boxes under the AutoFormat As You Type tab.

What if I can’t select the line to delete it?

If you’re unable to select the line directly, use the Selection Pane for easier identification and selection of objects, including Shapes and Lines. This will allow you to manage overlapping elements in your document effectively.

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