This guide provides step-by-step instructions for resolving the Windows Update error 0x8024800a. Following these steps will help you reset your Windows update components and re-register necessary system files, which should resolve the issue and allow you to update your system successfully.

Step 1: Stop Windows Update Services

Begin by stopping the services related to Windows Update. Open the Command Prompt as an administrator and enter the following commands:

net stop bits
net stop wuauserv
net stop appidsvc
net stop cryptsvc

Step 2: Clear Windows Update Cache

Next, you need to delete the cached files used by Windows Update. Run these commands in the same Command Prompt window:

Del "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Downloader\*.*"
rmdir %systemroot%\SoftwareDistribution /S /Q
rmdir %systemroot%system32\catroot2 /S /Q

Step 3: Reset Security Descriptor Definition (SDD)

Now, reset the security descriptor for the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) and Windows Update service by executing the following commands:


Step 4: Re-register DLL Files

Re-register essential DLL files that are integral to the Windows Update process. In the same Command Prompt, type each of the following commands:

regsvr32.exe /s atl.dll
regsvr32.exe /s urlmon.dll
regsvr32.exe /s mshtml.dll
regsvr32.exe /s shdocvw.dll
regsvr32.exe /s browseui.dll
regsvr32.exe /s jscript.dll
regsvr32.exe /s vbscript.dll
regsvr32.exe /s scrrun.dll
regsvr32.exe /s msxml.dll
regsvr32.exe /s msxml3.dll
regsvr32.exe /s msxml6.dll
regsvr32.exe /s actxprxy.dll
regsvr32.exe /s softpub.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wintrust.dll
regsvr32.exe /s dssenh.dll
regsvr32.exe /s rsaenh.dll
regsvr32.exe /s gpkcsp.dll
regsvr32.exe /s sccbase.dll
regsvr32.exe /s slbcsp.dll
regsvr32.exe /s cryptdlg.dll
regsvr32.exe /s oleaut32.dll
regsvr32.exe /s ole32.dll
regsvr32.exe /s shell32.dll
regsvr32.exe /s initpki.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wuapi.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wuaueng.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wuaueng1.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wucltui.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wups.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wups2.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wuweb.dll
regsvr32.exe /s qmgr.dll
regsvr32.exe /s qmgrprxy.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wucltux.dll
regsvr32.exe /s muweb.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wuwebv.dll

Step 5: Reset Winsock

Resetting Winsock can help restore necessary network behaviors. Execute the following commands:

netsh winsock reset
netsh winsock reset proxy

Step 6: Restart Windows Update Services

Finally, restart the services you stopped at the beginning:

net start bits
net start wuauserv
net start appidsvc
net start cryptsvc

Extra Tips & Common Issues

To avoid common mistakes during the process:

  • Make sure to run the Command Prompt as an administrator.
  • Be careful when using the rmdir command to avoid deleting the wrong directories.
  • Always back up your system before performing significant changes.


By following the steps outlined in this guide, you should be able to resolve Windows Update error 0x8024800a and successfully update your system. For further assistance, you may want to look into additional Windows troubleshooting guides.

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