This guide will walk you through the steps to reset the registry in Windows 11 to its default settings. Resetting the registry can resolve various system issues and improve performance. By following this step-by-step process, you’ll learn how to safely make these changes.

Step 1: Open the Registry Editor

To begin, you need to access the Registry Editor:

  1. Press the Windows key on your keyboard.
  2. Type registry editor in the search bar.
  3. Select Registry Editor from the results and click on it to open.

Step 2: Download and Install SubInACL

You will need the SubInACL tool to modify registry permissions:

  1. Download the SubInACL tool from the following link: Download SubInACL.
  2. Install the tool by following the on-screen instructions.

Step 3: Grant Permissions to Registry Keys

Now, you need to grant permissions to the necessary registry keys using the Command Prompt:

  1. Open Command Prompt as an administrator.
  2. Run the following commands one by one:
  • subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=administrators=f
  • subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=administrators=f
  • subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=administrators=f
  • subinacl /subdirectories %SystemDrive% /grant=administrators=f
  • Next, run these commands to grant permissions to the SYSTEM user:
    • subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=system=f
    • subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=system=f
    • subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=system=f
    • subinacl /subdirectories %SystemDrive% /grant=system=f

    Step 4: Complete the Process

    After running the above commands, the registry will be reset to its default settings. Restart your computer to ensure all changes take effect.

    Extra Tips & Common Issues

    Make sure to back up your registry before making any changes to avoid potential issues. If you face any challenges during the process, double-check the commands for typos and ensure you have administrative privileges.


    By following these steps, you have successfully reset the registry to its default settings in Windows 11. This can help resolve system problems and improve overall functionality. For additional guides on optimizing Windows, check out our other tutorials.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the Registry in Windows?

    The Windows Registry is a database that stores low-level settings for the operating system and for applications that opt to use the registry. It is critical for the configuration of the Windows operating system.

    Is resetting the registry safe?

    While resetting the registry can fix various issues, it is important to back up the registry before making any changes, as incorrect modifications can lead to system instability.

    How often should I reset my registry?

    Resetting the registry is not typically a regular maintenance task. It should be done when you encounter significant issues related to system performance or functionality.

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