If you find the newer Windows taskbar right-click menu inconvenient due to its jump lists displaying recent items, you might prefer the traditional context menu. This tutorial will guide you through the steps to transform your taskbar’s right-click menu back to its classic form, enabling a more streamlined experience without the distraction of recent files, folders, and web pages. You will learn how to download the necessary application and implement the classic taskbar context menu mod.

Step 1: Download the Windhawk App

The first step in restoring the classic taskbar right-click menu is to download the Windhawk application. Windhawk is a free tool designed for Windows that allows you to modify the taskbar and other settings. To download it, visit the following link: Windhawk Download. Once on the website, locate the download option and install the application by following the on-screen instructions.

Step 2: Search for the Classic Taskbar Context Menu Mod

After installing Windhawk, you need to look for the specific mod that will allow you to access the classic context menu. Open the Windhawk application, and use the search feature to find the “Taskbar Classic Context Menu” mod. This mod will replace the new right-click menu with the classic options such as maximize, restore, close, and run as administrator. Make sure to carefully read any descriptions provided to confirm that it meets your expectations and needs.

Step 3: Install the Classic Context Menu Mod

Once you have found the mod, follow the installation instructions provided within Windhawk. Typically, this involves clicking an “Install” button or a similar prompt. Allow the installation process to complete, and ensure there are no errors. This process is crucial, as a faulty installation may result in the settings not being applied correctly. After successful installation, restart your computer to see the changes take effect.

Extra Tips & Common Issues

You may encounter a few common issues during or after the installation of the classic context menu mod. Here are some tips to help you address them:

  • Ensure that Windhawk is up to date before searching for mods, as older versions may not support newer modifications.
  • If the classic menu does not appear after installation, try restarting Windhawk or your computer again.
  • For any additional features or customization, consult the Windhawk community or the specific mod’s documentation for further assistance.


By following these steps, you can effectively restore the classic Windows taskbar right-click menu options, thereby enhancing your workflow and eliminating the clutter of recent items. Embracing this classic look not only simplifies your tasks but can also improve your overall Windows 11 experience. For more tips and detailed guidance on utilizing Windows features, consider exploring additional topics and resources.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I revert back to the new context menu?

Yes, you can easily revert to the new right-click menu by uninstalling the mod through Windhawk or disabling it directly within the application.

Will this modification affect system performance?

No, the change should not affect the performance of your system adversely. It simply alters the appearance of the right-click menu.

Is Windhawk safe to use?

Windhawk is generally regarded as safe and is widely used for modifying Windows interfaces. However, as with any software, ensure you download it from the official site.

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